Weather Station
Explore weather by making qualitative and quantitative observations to understand current weather and make predictions about upcoming weather. Explore different methods of using nature to predict and forecast weather.
Learn about how to use various measurement tools such as thermometers, hygrometers, and wind direction and speed. Assess and describe types of clouds and their significance to what is occurring on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere. Present your data and findings as Weather People to your peers.
Play a game to simulate effects of changing climate, such as the increased fires that we see, and how these negative changes can be curbed to prevent further extreme changes.
Curriculum Connections:
Science and Technology
Earth and Space Sciences
Explore weather by making qualitative and quantitative observations to understand current weather and make predictions about upcoming weather. Explore different methods of using nature to predict and forecast weather.
Learn about how to use various measurement tools such as thermometers, hygrometers, and wind direction and speed. Assess and describe types of clouds and their significance to what is occurring on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere. Present your data and findings as Weather People to your peers.
Play a game to simulate effects of changing climate, such as the increased fires that we see, and how these negative changes can be curbed to prevent further extreme changes.
Curriculum Connections:
Science and Technology
Earth and Space Sciences
Explore weather by making qualitative and quantitative observations to understand current weather and make predictions about upcoming weather. Explore different methods of using nature to predict and forecast weather.
Learn about how to use various measurement tools such as thermometers, hygrometers, and wind direction and speed. Assess and describe types of clouds and their significance to what is occurring on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere. Present your data and findings as Weather People to your peers.
Play a game to simulate effects of changing climate, such as the increased fires that we see, and how these negative changes can be curbed to prevent further extreme changes.
Curriculum Connections:
Science and Technology
Earth and Space Sciences